legendary marketing expert dan kennedy says simply
Forced Into Wars You Dont Want
If youve tried to sell items for a fixed price on Etsy or eBay, then you understand the problems related to open marketplaces that dont have any pricing controls. Youre almost forced to compete on price.
This “Wild West” type of environment creates a "race to the bottom," where people compete on price by constantly lowering prices until there is no possible way anyone can make money. You want to avoid these situations at all costs.
Principle #3 - Align Pricing & Marketing
What impression do prospects have about your work? Your brand is the sum of the impressions residing in the minds of prospects.
The simplest impression to make in the mind of a prospect is the impression associated with pricing. Therefore, the most important activity small business owners can embark upon is marketing work that aligns with their pricing strategy.
For example, if you want to be known as a premium provider, then you have to do things that get you premium prices, and then let people know that it happened. If you can do things that make that happen, then you’ll be known in the minds of prospective customers as a premium provider. Legendary marketing expert Dan Kennedy says simply: