Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thats how communication used to be before the internet

When I say “anyone,” that’s only scratching the surface because, ironically enough, not only does programmable money not recognize borders, it also does not recognize people. It doesn’t matter if you’re a person or a refrigerator or a self-driving car. Throughout the history of money, ownership of currency required personhood, either as an individual or as an association of individuals in a corporation. Bitcoin can be owned by machines, bitcoin can be owned by software agents; machines can pay each other and those payments are not just about economic activity. They are the basis for market-based security systems, the basis for creating bonds of authentication between devices, the basis of new applications that have never been done before.

1.2.3.A Unified System of Money

Bitcoin unifies systems of money. Today we have systems of money for small payments, systems of money for large payments. We have systems of money for payments between individuals, for payments between companies, and for payments between governments.

Does that remind you of something? That’s how communication used to be before the internet. We had systems of communication for pictures, systems of communications for letters, systems of communication for short-distance and long-distance. The internet came along and unified all of those. The Internet of Money creates a single network which can handle everything from a microtransaction to a gigatransaction—in seconds, anywhere in the world, for any participant, without permission.

We Will Now Look At Those In Greater Detail

Now we have a method in the ‘Orders’ class, which is used to display the order ID and description. There are many more aspects to object oriented programming and uses for classes. We will now look at those in greater detail.

22.1 Encapsulation

This refers to the encapsulation or bundling of data and methods into classes. An integral part of this mechanism is the visibility of this data in the class. There are situations where we don’t want to directly allow other code to access the data defined in the class. In such cases, we only want data to be accessed via methods defined in the class. There are different levels of visibility which are defined by class modifiers. There are:

  • Private – With private, the properties and methods are only available to the class itself.
  • Protected - With protected, the properties and methods are available to the class itself and subclasses derived from that class.
  • Public - With public, the properties and methods are available to all classes.

An example of how data can be encapsulated in a C# class is shown below. In this code we define the student ID and the student Name as private members so that they cannot be accessed directly. If any other code wants to see the ID and name values, they can call the ‘Display’ method of the class.

Legendary Marketing Expert Dan Kennedy Says Simply

legendary marketing expert dan kennedy says simply

Forced Into Wars You Dont Want

If youve tried to sell items for a fixed price on Etsy or eBay, then you understand the problems related to open marketplaces that dont have any pricing controls. Youre almost forced to compete on price.

This “Wild West” type of environment creates a "race to the bottom," where people compete on price by constantly lowering prices until there is no possible way anyone can make money. You want to avoid these situations at all costs.

Principle #3 - Align Pricing & Marketing

What impression do prospects have about your work? Your brand is the sum of the impressions residing in the minds of prospects.

The simplest impression to make in the mind of a prospect is the impression associated with pricing. Therefore, the most important activity small business owners can embark upon is marketing work that aligns with their pricing strategy.

For example, if you want to be known as a premium provider, then you have to do things that get you premium prices, and then let people know that it happened. If you can do things that make that happen, then you’ll be known in the minds of prospective customers as a premium provider. Legendary marketing expert Dan Kennedy says simply:


If I were creating a screen explanation slide for the user sign-up page, I would insert the screenshot and detail the type of sign-ups the app will accept. For example, people can sign up with email or through Facebook. When they sign up with email, we’re going to send them a confirmation email to verify their email address. And when they sign up with Facebook, we’re going to collect their name, their birthday, and their email address.

The objective is to describe as many elements on the screen as possible by explaining what they are and the next steps when a user interacts with them. When a user taps the sign up with Facebook button, what happens next? Walking through the functionality and flow creates a detailed map, which will help the developer understand the screens they need to build and the requirements of each.

Benefits of the Product Spec

Sketching and wireframing are steps that help you to better understand the app, so you have more accurate and thoughtful information to create the product spec. The first two steps feed into the last, but they all ultimately help to better communicate your vision to the developer and designer.

Communication is the best way to ensure the final product accurately mirrors your vision. If you approach your freelance team with a vague idea like, “I want to build an app where you can connect with people in your area,” odds are the product they create won’t align with your vision…at all.

Now Say Save If This Does Not Work For You Which Could

Once you have given your file a name you can then say “Documents” to move the focus to the documents folder on the left-hand side.

Next say “Tab 3” which should place the focus inside the documents folder in the main window – though this is not apparent.

Now move the focus to the folder you want to save your file in - either by saying its name, or by saying “Move [down]/ [right]” (you can add a number to down/right to speed this process up e.g. “Move down 3”).

Then say “Press enter” to open the folder you’ve selected and then carry on this process as necessary until you get to the folder you want. Now say “Save”.

If this does not work for you – which could be the case because of the arrangement of your libraries and folders, you may have to slog it out by saying ”Press F6”, “Tab” or “Press shift tabrepeatedly to move the focus backwards and forwards throughout the “Save as” window.

An alternative is to use the mouse grid commands – see the relevant section.

Most times it is quicker, to be honest, to manoeuvre through Windows Explorer by mouse or keyboard – if you are able. #


stages1stagesstages0wrong1inputguessguessrlettersboardcboard["c", "__", "__"]indexrlettersboardindexwordrlettersindexwrong1boardstages .join(board)stages\n.join(stages)stagesstages0wrongboardYou win! It was:winTruewinFalseYou lose! Challenge

Chapter 11.

"Practice doesnt make perfect. Practice makes myelin, and myelin makes perfect."
Daniel Coyle Read
Other Resources Getting Help

Chapter 12.
Programming Paradigms

"There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses."
Bjarne Stroustrupprogramming paradigm State stateGlobal state Procedural Programming procedural programming
>> 14

>> Type r or c. q to quit:
side effects Functional Programming Functional programmingTrueFalse Object-Oriented Programming object-orientedclassesinstanceOrangeOrangeOrangeOrangeclass [name]: [suites][name][suites]LikeThismethod"hello".upper()selfselfinstance variableself.[variable_name] = [variable_value]__init____init__OrangeweightcolorOrange__init__Created!__init__magic methodOrange[classname]([parameters])[classname][parameters]__init__selfinstantiating a class
>> Created!
>> <__main__.Orange object at 0x101a787b8>
OrangeOrange(10, "dark orange")Created!OrangeOrange[object_name].[variable_name]
>> Created!
>> 10
>> dark orange
[object_name].[variable_name] = [new_value]
>> Created!
>> 100
>> light orange
colorweight"dark orange"10"light orange"100Orange
>> Created!
>> Created!
>> Created!
>> Created!
>> 0
>> 98.0
>> 200
>> 800
RectanglelenwidthareaRectanglechange_size Vocabulary Programming paradigm
Global state
Procedural programming
Functional programming
Side effect
Instance variables
Magic method
Instantiating a class Challenges Apple

Chapter 13.
The Four Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming

"Good design adds value faster than it adds cost."
Thomas C. Galefour pillars of object-oriented programming Encapsulation EncapsulationlenwidthareaclientDatanumsDatanumschange_datanumsData
>> [100, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>> [100, 2, 3, 4, 5]
numsnumsnumsnums[0] = 100private variablesprivate methodsPublic variables
self.publicself._unsafeself._unsafepublic_method_unsafe_method Abstraction AbstractionPersonPerson Polymorphism Polymorphism
>> Hello, World!
>> 200
>> 200.1