If you have any questions feel free to contact me any time
if you have any questions feel free to contact me any time
Second, once the book is released, you will be given an affiliate link for any advertisement or email campaign that you wish to run and you will be sent a check for 50% of the purchases. So basically, all you have to do is release some old message board posts and you will be given free advertising within the book and 50% of the profits!
Granted, the better the article, the better the response will be to your company. I am only offering spots to a select group of contributors, and so far the responses have been amazing. Because of your reputation, I will guarantee you a spot in the book if you respond with your sub- mission within 20 days.
Further, if you have any instructors/coaches that you would like to submit separate contributions, I will review them for possible inclusion. If selected, it will give your company twice the exposure.
I look forward to creating a very profitable situation for both of us, and a product that will benefit many people. Just reply to this email with either an attachment of your submission, or a link to material previously released that you wish to submit. If you have any questions feel free to contact me any time.