Sunday, August 5, 2018

review of Aiwis 2.0

aiwis 2.0

Aiwis 2.0 oto AIWIS 2.0 REVIEWS

During our testing, auto-complete suggestions were found to directly alter how and what our test subject search for. A lot of the test subjects perceived the auto-complete suggestions to be recommendations by Amazon. Therefore, they showed a bias towards selecting them over using their own query.

During our testing, auto-complete suggestions were found to directly alter how and what our test subject search for. A lot of the test subjects perceived the auto-complete suggestions to be recommendations by Amazon. Therefore, they showed a bias towards selecting them over using their own query.

So, for a large majority of people, when they see an auto-complete suggestion on Amazon, they perceive it as a direct recommendation from Amazon. You can imagine just how powerful that is.

So, for a large majority of people, when they see an auto-complete suggestion on Amazon, they perceive it as a direct recommendation from Amazon. You can imagine just how powerful that is.

Auto-complete suggestions act as a reassurance as the searcher types and sees matches related to their query. It often prompts them to add further detail to their query as long as relevant auto-complete suggestions keep appearing. In fact, you can have up to 65 characters in your search terms before auto-complete shuts off. Clearly, Amazon values these longer-tailed keywords. So, you should target long-tailed keywords for your SEO efforts.

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